
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Several Overlooked Details; The Bakken Oil Field

by (Sgt.) Gary A. Hurd
(Pikeville, Ky)

First, I've BEEN there! Second, I'm for alt. energy sources, WHEN citizens FORCE industry & gov't. to DO SOMETHING RIGHT, for a 'change'. The oil companies like holding us up, for high prices, and government just LOVES the CONTROL over us, that 'Peak Oil'-(a lie, no such thing) has. Even if Bakken does NOT produce "as much oil as Saudi", look at capped wells in Texas, Okla., etc., then travel to the South Pacific,...as I have! There are many lands that would like us to drill there. They need for their people to make a living! How many times have YOU been laid-off? Enter Geo. Bush: Goes over, and declares another wilderness, but an ocean one. As bad as 'pie in the sky', do-nothing, Nobama. Additionally, where I live now, there is more coal, than Saudi has oil. Yes, right in these counties. Obama hates coal,..as we send trains of it, to Northern Virgina. Shall we turn off your lights, Mr. Prez?

Point is, Bakken gives us time! Not only do terrorists slip through porous borders, they contol energy!
(Served/lived on the Border, as a soldier, & officer,..speak spanish).

No caribou, seashores, 'talking, tree frogs' to 'create alibis' why not to continue in this ESTABLIHED field. Scant few enviros in Bakken,...far too cold, windy, and tough for them. Plus, the locals need WORK!

Last, The latest, Texas directional drilling methods are reaching this oil. A little more research please.

Thank you, kindly,

(Sgt.) Gary A. Hurd

View the original article here

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